MIT Taiwan Excellence
Now on Sale
#AVer VB130 #AVer CAM130 #BeautyLighting#AutoFrame (AI Lens)#SONY 4K Lens
Kids make choices, but I want it all
#AVerVB130#IdealForSmallToMediumSpaces# video camera #4K super wide-angle lens # Netmei lamp intelligent photosensitive lighting # smart AI focus#AutomaticSoundTracking#NoiseReductionTechnology#ExpandableMicrophone #AVerCAM130This award-winning smart lighting 4K video camera that’s not even officially on sale yet!#IdealForPersonalOrSmallSpaces#VideoCamera#4KUltraWideAngleLens#BeautyLightingIntelligentLightSensing#SmartAIAutofocus#CompactSize#HighResolution Of the above two video conferencing lenses, # is compatible with all major video conferencing platforms! # is compatible with all major video platforms!#CompatibleWithMajorVideoPlatforms-#GoogleMeet #MicrosoftTeams #CiscoWebex #Line#FaceBook#Wechat can all be used! Where can I buy such a great video camera? !
Shopee #EpidemicPreventionNationalTeam#MadeInTaiwanMIT#AVer# video equipment # plug and play # compatible with major video platforms # Huahou # long-distance collaboration # communication collaboration