Attention, Attention
hp poly Studio P5 Kit#hppolyStudioP5套件 A professional webcam and headphones (or smart speakers) in one! Poly is specially designed for personal remote collaboration, different scenarios, different combinations#USB #USB connection, allows simultaneous connection of the camera and headset, available in 2 different kits. hp poly Studio P5 Kit with Poly Sync 20 Speaker
Ideal for efficient work in personal workspace
hp poly Studio P5 Kit with Voyager 4220 UC Headset
Enables both efficient calls and mobility
hp poly products are certified by Microsoft and Zoom
#AndCompatibleWithMajorVideoPlatforms-#GoogleMeet #MicrosoftTeams #CiscoWebex #Line #Facebook #Wechat Upgrade now to meet your professional remote collaboration needs. #PolyStudioP5 Kit available here
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